We continued to contribute to the multi-agency response to the Todrook reservoir emergency. The Kinder MRT water team, along with other MRT water teams were based at New Mills Fire Station and Furness Vale Social Club. We were ready to provide an emergency flood response in the event of the dam wall failing.
In the early hours of Saturday morning the decision was take to withdraw the water teams from these forward operating bases and to stand by from our own bases and homes. We are still able to provide an emergency response from these locations.
- Type – flood response
- Location – Todbrook reservoir, Whaley Bridge
- Time – 07:00
- Team members – 16 KMRT plus Peak District MRTs and multi-agencies
- Duration – 19 Hours in shifts taking 150 Volunteer Hours
- Volunteer hours so far this year – 1691.78
Dave Eustace
Deputy Team Leader