We were contacted by North West Ambulance Service (NWAS) at 15:20 with an injured horse rider in Brabyns Park, Marple. They thought access may be difficult and would require our assistance. A Hazardous Area Response Team (HART) was also despatched by NWAS.
Once on scene NWAS requested some limited assistance from us and so a small number of team members assisted with the provision of some of our equipment. Our new Toyota Hilux vehicle (Kinder Mobile 3) was despatched, making its first appearance for us at a callout.
We hope the young lady is well and makes a good recovery.
- Type: Ambulance assist
- Time: 15:20
- Location: Brabyns Park, Marple
- Team members: 5
- Duration: 3 hours
- Volunteer hours: 15
- Total volunteer hours for the year: 338
Neil Woodhead, Team Leader