We were asked to assist with a casualty who was in difficulties 1/2km beyond Kinder Reservoir in a wooded area. One member of the party had made it to The Sportsman pub on Kinder Road, Hayfield to raise the alarm. The party were from another continent and were visiting family in Hayfield, which meant we were unable to get a phone connection.
A team member quickly went to meet the informant to get better information on the casualty location and condition. However, the casualty had managed to walk off and was waiting at The Sportsman. They were very severely dehydrated and suffering from heat exhaustion. The Sportsman provided plenty of iced water and the casualty was assessed by a team medic and the team doctor. There were likely significant delays waiting for an ambulance and we assessed that the casualty was sufficiently well to go in a taxi with his family to A&E at Stepping Hill for a check up.
We hope he is sufficiently recovered to attend his family gathering at the weekend.
Kinder Mountain Rescue Team is staffed by volunteers who give their time free of charge and is funded entirely by public donations.
- Time: 19:00
- Type: Casualty Care
- Location: The Sportsman, Kinder Road
- Team members: 19
- Duration: 1 hours 15 minutes 23.75
- Volunteer hours:
- Total callout hours: 2992.5